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Prudent Decision Making In Where To Buy The Best Boxing Gloves?

buy best boxing gloves



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Are you a seasoned boxing professional? Or just start on your journey to attain the apex of fame and glory? We don’t mind even if you are an active human who has adopted boxing as the new, most effective workout routine for fitness.

Are you committed to your goal?

Do you have what it takes to be a champion?

The valor, the speed, the stamina, the ultimate skill?

The stakes are high. But so is the reward. Is there a match for victory? Would you trade excellence with mediocrity? Can you settle for anything less than heights of fame?

Well then, here we are, to help you go a level above the rest. To be the legend who is the epitome of success of this spectacular combat sport.

What does it take to reach to those heights? Let’s have a look.



[title style=”center” text=”Building blocks of success” tag_name=”h2″]



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It is one thing desire fame and another to work towards it. Never wondered why they called success a journey and never a destination? Now you know.

While glory doesn’t come easy, the route to it can be made more structured, more predictable and hence more dependable. How? By keeping an eye on the following bits of details.



[title style=”center” text=”Know your objective” tag_name=”h2″]



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Whichever project you take up in life, the seamless steering depends a lot on knowing your goal. It is no surprise that a huge number of people now adopt boxing as an alternative to other forms of exercises and workout practices. The reason is very simple, boxing is a high impact combat sport. It engages several human body parts as well as the mind. The sheer nature of the game makes it imperative that a boxer uses the correct punch, lands them swiftly and simultaneously save oneself from the opponent’s hit. This works for a fitness seeker and an aspiring professional just the same.

This is not to say that an aspiring pro boxer doesn’t need to be fit. In fact, a lot in your performance in the ring depends on how well your body has been shaped and strengthened to stand the shock from the blows and how quick your reflexes are. But boxing for sporting goes beyond just fitness. It is a passion that fuels entertainment for the audience and fulfilment of dreams for those who aspire to reach levels in the field of boxing.

Workout orientation is mostly about toning your body by managing the fat. A lot of health benefits also stem form a boxing workout routine such as improvement in hand, foot and eye coordination; this helps especially in older age. So the focus is more on techniques to reach the desired mark in muscle shaping and fat reduction or a basic exercising for reflexes.

For anybody training for a fight, on the other hand, the emphasis is on training to perfect different types of punches and on planning for knocking out the opponent to defeat. The sparring sessions with a partner, hitting against a punching bag or those drills with mitts and pads are therefore an essential part of your everyday routine as a boxer.



[title style=”center” text=”Pick the right trainer”]



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The world today has evolved immensely, especially because of the penetration of smart devices and the internet. According to a report, about 62% of the world population has access to the internet. Assuming you are one of them, you have all the training videos for boxing just a click away. They’re good, no doubt if you have absolutely no way to engage a professional trainer. Trust us, an experienced trainer is no less than a mentor especially if you intend to lead and shine as a star.

What could be better than somebody who has been an experienced boxer himself, knowing the sport inside out. Alternatively, a trainer with a track record of working with fine boxers could work just as well to give you that extra push for a great boxing career. Knowing the sport well is a key, but so is knowing the tactics to overtake the opponent and managing defense. Knowledge of the rules that govern the game in your region is definitely a plus!

One thing you don’t want to compromise on, is the trainer’s dedication to your goal. If he is overbooked with too many trainees, you can’t be sure you are getting the time you need for training well. The quality of his experience must, however, always take priority.

Don’t forget, a good trainer is important to prepare you for a fight as well as in enabling you to reach your desired fitness goals.



[title style=”center” text=”Learn strategy”]



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Jabs, the cross, upper cut or the hook; all are a fail unless you know which to use when and if use that at all. A haywire approach to hitting your opponent may not be the best thing to do in your own interest. Understanding the opponent, analyzing his tact and either reacting accordingly with the best suited punching style is what would take you far – sometimes, not reacting to a provocative boxing opponent may be the key to winning that trophy.

While it is common assumption that the road to winning is in taking note of the enemy’s weak point, here’s a word of caution. Here’s an alternative advice; flaws may be fixed, why not look for your opponent’s habitual good points and moves. Learning what the other party would try and do to win the game would give you the predictability of his moves and you could plan and take advantage. It is all about keeping an eye. Consider this, a boxer physically stronger and more experienced than you, gets beaten only because you didn’t try beating him with hits but rather by making him hit more and more and get him tired, to take a fall.

Yeah, sounds fantastic; but that is strategy and that is what works with skill.



[title style=”center” text=”Your gear is your arsenal”]



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Such a no-brainer, isn’t it? Not really. Which is why several people make the mistake of compromising over quality for a ‘better price’. The reality is, that your boxing gear is a lot more than your costume. Each and every item of the essential gear has a purpose and hence importance.  There is a reason why a great brands put a lot of emphasis on the type of materials that are used, how a certain item fits on to the user and even the quality of stitching of each of the items.

Consider a seemingly ordinary element such as the boxing trunks, for instance. While you would think any random shorts could work, have you ever thought these have to be a specific length and fit to allow free movement for the boxer? Even the governing rules do not allow placing the waist band above or below a specific abdominal region in order to ensure that the game is played fair and square.

The protective gear is not as necessary and often not even allow during professional competitions, although they remain mandatory for amateur matches. One must, however, put them to use in either case, during the drills and training; an aspiring boxing star cannot afford to suffer an injury that could possibly cost him his career. The head guard, for instance, is a protection against serious impact from the blows to the head possibly resulting in concussions, fractures or brain damage. Using these ensure that you get to fine tune your skill and rehearse the match before the actual bout.

Oh yes, how can one forget the boxing gloves, your side-kick in a match? Never undermine the padding size and quality, outer material quality or even stitching finish for this element of the boxing gear and equipment. The fit, feel and longevity of the gloves supports the fighter’s comfort as well as the quality of his training, and we’d see why, a little later in this write –up. Picking a reliable brand, the right style and perfect fit is therefore the first step as you set into the world of boxing as a whole, irrespective of the purpose.



[title style=”center” text=”Essentials you need” tag_name=”h4″]



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We repeat, in a boxing arena, your boxing gear is like the arms you use in a war. Compromising on these is almost like a compromise on the quality of your experience and your output as a player and especially as a professional fighter. A pro boxer would value these just as much as honing his fighting skills. Here’s   a quick but deep dive into the important elements



[title style=”center” text=”Boxing gloves” tag_name=”h2″]



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Two key questions you need to ask;

Why are boxing gloves so important?

What to look for when picking the gloves?

The answer to the first one dates back to the olden times when boxing started as a rather unrefined combat sport. The only hand protection was a bare-knuckle leather piece cover for the hand which was dipped in a special liquid for the fight. Imagine the impact to the fighter as well as the opponent; that was the time of really gory boxing matched. It wasn’t until the Marquis of Queensland introduced rules to make it a less lethal, yet enjoyable combat sport, that the things such as padding in properly stitched gloves was introduced.

Hence, while the structure of the boxing glove evolved over time, one thing remained constant; the dependence of a fighter’s victory on beating the opponent to a knock out! The boxing gloves, in essence aid exactly with that. What’s more important is that it acts as an enabler that protects the boxer’s hand against knuckle injuries, shocks and fractures. You guessed it right, the hand is an asset in this sport; the glove a guardian angel for it. Exactly the reason why you would find us talking more about these than any other element of the boxing gear and equipment.

Here’s the answer to the second wondering, and the list of things one must look for, while out shopping for the boxing gloves.

  • Glove type: This depends a lot on what stage of your boxing training you are at. The pro boxing gloves are meant to land blow with the intent to knock the opponent down during professional matches; the amateur range of gloves is either for training in-house or for more regulated, less fierce amateur competitions. The impact is hence very different. You can even pick from super-soft, medium-soft and medium-hard variety, each meant for different training levels with their specific stiffness level. The super-soft, for instance, is for light sparring sessions whereas the medium-hard category is best suited for heavy bag work.
  • Fit on the hand: What doesn’t sit well or snugly on your body, doesn’t give you comfort or control of movement. Holds true especially for the boxing gloves. Which is why not only must you shop to find the right fit but must also see which wrist closure type works best for you. You can then easily break into your new gloves by using them a few times to adjust the padding to your hand silhouette or even squeezing it a bit to set around the form.
  • Ounce size: Determined a lot by the boxer’s body weight as well as the requirement; whether you are training at a club or headed to the ring for a round of professional fight. The greater the body weight, heavier the padding weight one can handle. Do not, however ignore the second consideration; softer and heavier ounces are used for training and sparring, fighters use either the 8oz or 10oz variety for sufficient impact to the opponent and protection for his own hand.

The most commonly used padding sizes, overall, range between 8oz and 16oz, 6oz only for children training to box.

  • Material type: This is critically important for the longevity of the product you use and can definitely aid with the quality of performance inside the ring. You should rather invest a few extra bucks to get hold of genuine leather boxing gloves than waste money on poor synthetic materials that give you discomfort during sessions and keep you shopping for new ones all the time. Even if you decide to opt for leatherette, make sure you pick a brand you can depend on.

With all this basic information, know that your trainer could guide you a lot on which gloves would suit your need and style the most. Take his word, rest comes as learning along the course of training.



[title style=”center” text=”Protective Gear” tag_name=”h2″]



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Ok so these often take center stage in controversy, especially when it comes to head guards. While many experts trust the utility of these as a shield against concussions, fractures or even facial injuries, there are others who think that the diligence practiced by boxers without using them serves as better protection instead. But this is mostly for the professional fights which are rather intense and aggressive than the amateur competitions. Boxers still need these during training drills in order to avoid possible damage before the D-day.

Groin and shin guards are also important elements of the category and are often an essential requirement by several governing associations.



[title style=”center” text=”Focus mitts and pads” tag_name=”h2″]



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These are your partners for practicing those punches; to perfect those jabs and upper cuts, the angle punches and the hooks. In short, a great help in refining your skill as well as strategy off-stage. Focus mitts are alternatively also known as the focus pads and punch mitts. A standard set of punch mitts has a firm target attached to a glove and can be fastened around the wrist with a band. The firmness of the padding inside the target is determines how well it can stand a hit from the trainee. Which is why holding the focus pads is as exhausting for a training partner as it is for a trainee.

The rule is pretty plain but very important. The trainer or the partner holding the target dictates the moves to the trainee by calling out punches and their combinations, maintaining resistance against the blow. The trainee on the other hand, hits with a focus on the target, improving upon technique and building on stamina. That is where the real test is centered.



[title style=”center” text=”Punching and heavy bags” tag_name=”h2″]



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Yet another key element in training or workout for fitness. Let’s just say these are a dummy opponent that let you assess the impact of your blow and can help you rehearse your punches without a partner. As an important equipment for workout, these are really helpful with muscle toning too.



[title style=”center” text=”The best shopping spots for boxing gloves”]



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Trust us, you don’t just want heavy advertisement to tell you where to buy a reliable set of boxing gloves. What you need is a few key qualifiers that tell you what makes a retailer ideal and a brand of choice. After all, the fight you put up is not just entertainment, it is serious business, a matter of career more than simply being a search for fame and popularity. Why take chances?

Authentic and durable materials coupled with fine craftsmanship mean the world for boxers competing in a boxing duel. No price stands well against the boxing gear that is superior quality and hence reliable. That said, you don’t want to look for a store that is a complete rip off either; especially if you have only begun training. Build your arsenal gradually, after much research and deliberation. Quality plus value for money, is the name of the game.

Once you being the hunt for your best boxing gear, we recommend you to take a look at modern, more affordable brands like Infinitude Fight. From premium quality boxing gloves stitched to perfection for a long lasting experience, to boxing equipment like punching bags to train on, you are in for a treat.

You know what could add real value to your entire experience? Add-ons like online order placement, simple ordering processes and swift delivery; you don’t want to have to wait a lifetime to have your well researched pair of boxing gloves in-hand.



[title style=”center” text=”Up your game with customized boxing gloves” tag_name=”h4″]



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Do you know what’s better than high quality, reliable and trendy boxing gear? Boxing gear that you can design to your own liking, you own style statement. But better be wary of the brands that offer you the freedom to pick your own style and design with elements fitting to your taste. Well, in case you’ve sifted through the variety on showcase by Infinitude Fight, log in to their 3D customizer and be dazzled by the flexibility and simplicity you get. Logos, flags, name printing, color selection, stitch style- everything, as you like.

Add to that, the convenience that comes with a no-minimum order quantity policy and the fastest lead time unmatched by most in the industry; could your online shopping experience for a tailor-made product get any better?

Imagine walking up to the ring clad in your boxing costume, the stadium ablaze with the excitement of your fans cheering on your entrance, and your hand waving in the air; styled with customized boxing gloves, fashioned as your personal style statement. Oh the entire scene, the ambiance, that prelude to a bellicose bout ahead.

Whichever place you choose to buy your boxing gloves; either of custom made or standard variety, make prudent decision. Opting for the right product, from a reliable brand can mean the difference between a good and a poor experience as a boxer. Considering price VS quality, the real value must always take the lead, never compromise quality. Train well, practice hard and add that extra touch of style with tailor-made boxing gear to have some fun.

And remember, your boxing gloves need special treatment during selection and later in caretaking. Handle them well outside and inside the ring and you’re already half way there up your ladder to glory.

Tyson, Marciano, Muhammad Ali – we see your name next in that list of legendary boxing stars!

Punch the opponent hard, give him one more blow, knock ‘em down!


