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Are You Ready To Be A Boxer Mom?

boxing mom

If you are a lady and a mommy, we are glad you came here to read from our blog. If you aren’t, we are still happy; you can share this with your boxer mom to help her look at her life from a different lens, to see things afresh, for a life-changing experience. So this is for you and your mother, read on!

We’re sure your kids are planning for this year’s mothers’ day celebrations, most kids do. Cakes, presents, nights out with the mommy. Everything possible to make this day a special one for you. But it’s your day, isn’t it? How about you take things in your hands and surprise them with all the more that you are capable of.

You must thought about this a gazillion times, we know, but how far did the actual action go? Talking about a work-out routine you know, more varied forms, like the intense boxing, work out? Not for you? Let’s talk about why you could be so mistaken.

How to get started?

Of course, this is the right question, the first step to getting somewhere is anyway in getting started. Here’s a few pre-requisites you might like to do before and when you have taken a decision to change your life forever, and for the better.

Consult your medical practitioner

Consider your goal for the workout routine.

  • Does your body need toning?
  • Is that the extra fat you’re trying to get rid of?
  • Are you fighting to strengthen you core, to build endurance or stress relief?
  • Gearing up for the latter years in life with better limbs and brain coordination, focus and attention span?

Accordingly, your doctor would be the best advisor if you should be taking it up or not as a sports based training or for a light home-based workout. Bring your doctor in the picture is especially important if you have a history of unusual physical conditions or are in that golden age to be considered a senior member of the country.

Be in-form with that boxing gear

Got a go ahead from the doc? Head to dress up for the occasion; oh well, for the experience. You can literally name and count the gear you need for boxing or boxing work outs. While items like the punching bag and the pads are functional, items like the boxing gloves and mitts are more for your protection as well as your partner’s unless, of course, you are in a combat bout.

Your gloves are probably one of the most important pieces of boxing gear you would buy for yourself. Is the boxer mom in you ready to become the upcoming, fit and fearless diva at home?  Remember these few points when going out shopping for your boxing workouts

  • Your boxing goal/objective is important in determining the type of gloves you would need. As a beginner, you need to be armed with the gloves that offer protection for your fingers, knuckles and wrists, even if you are going to engage in light bag work
  • No, you can’t skip gloves, even if they make your hands feel heavier initially. They were created to ensure that the impact of the punches and blows to your hands and arms can be managed well. A 14-16oz glove might be your coach’s first recommendation. Don’t worry, the weight would help you build the endurance.
  • It takes time and practice before you can land a lighter boxing gloves Even professionals would use a 10oz glove for the real fight
  • The gloves you choose must set on the silhouette of your hand well. That would ensure you are comfortable using it during training as well as giving you control with the lesson on the types of punches.
  • Brands matter. Especially when it comes to the quality and reliability of boxing equipment you use, a compromise if not recommended. Consider value over price. Your ideal place to start your shopping spree in Infinitude. Check out the entire range here. Our special edge, you can have the Infinitude fight boxing equipment, customized to you taste and delivered at an express speed, absolutely unmatched by anyone else in the market

Do not put down without a trial

Still not sure if you should give it a try? Register for a couple of weeks for trial at a club of your choice. Considering we are still hanging in the COVID-19 phase, engage the trainer online so that you may try out the moves through a home based boxing workout and see how it suits you. We are certain, the changes you feel in the new you over the next couple of weeks, you would not want to quit.

Take the chance and be your own decision maker!

Just for the record and just so you know, check out just a few of the many benefits of opting for boxing workout

  • Stress relieving exercise
  • Improves reflexes and coordination between body parts, especially with reference to the brain and body movement
  • Contributes to improving focus and attention span. Imagine the rockstar you would be even in the later years in life.
  • Excellent and effective for body toning, don’t be surprised with that well maintained body shaping up over just a few boxing workout sessions
  • Your body needs to fight the impact of so many physical changes you have been experiencing, boxing, would help you build endurance

Ready to go?

Now that we have had your head thinking on these lines, let us tell you that boxing is no longer a combat sport for men alone. Increasing numbers of women are opting for boxing as a workout option for so many physical and mental benefits they can reap.

And then, if you land up being a fighter than just a boxer mom for fitness, know that the world is awaiting a display of those hooks and crosses in that ring. Don’t give in to any misconception, female boxing championships are already being organized worldwide.

Tell us when you intend to enter that land of fearless. Yes, you. You know you can do it, we know you can. Give it a shot, your best shot; beat all myths about your strength on the ropes, just go and throw your hat in the ring!

Oh yeah, we can imagine that awed expression of pride on your children’s face.

Here’s to their fighter mamma, Happy Mother’s Day!